Dynamic Checkweigher Systems
Dynamic Checkweighing is a method of weighing & monitoring product weights in a production line.
A Checkweigher system will check the weights of products whilst in motion, rejecting any products that are over or under the set weight within the required legislation.
Starflex Checkweighing machines have been developed over many years. They give unrivalled accuracy and flexibility to ensure our customer’s products remain compliant at all times. Starflex supply a full range of machines with specifications to suit all industries. Our control system has many advanced features but remains user friendly.
All Starflex Checkweighing machines can be specified to the very latest and highest retail specifications. We offer a full range of optional equipment to compliment our machines.
The Starflex range of Checkweighing machines are designed, developed & manufactured in the UK, using stainless steel construction, high precision components & FDA approved contact parts. The Starflex Checkweighers are designed to be accurate & reliable, quick release parts for ease of maintainance & cleaning with a recognised low cost of ownership.
Starflex Checkweighing machines can handle a large range of product weights, pack types and sizes on both standard and bespoke designs, from 10g to 50kg and at speeds up to 250ppm. Starflex Checkweighers have the following benefits & product range.

Checkweighing means to compare the weight of a product against preset limits. The Checkweighing system will check weights of products whilst in motion, rejecting any products that are over or underweight. For example, if you’re selling a box of chocolates, you want to ensure all boxes are the same weight so that people pay the same price for the same amount. So, if the boxes are labelled 500g, you can put each box on the scale to find out if it’s under, over, or within a weight range of your choosing.
The machines can achieve in min weight operation or average weight modes. It allows you to tighten up on current average weight legislation but won’t allow you to go outside keeping our customers compliant.
Checkweighers can also be integrated with other inspection equipment such as Metal Detectors, X-Ray and Label Verification to help save valuable production space.
An accurate Checkweigher will ensure less waste and enable more products to be produced from the same amount of inventory. Raw materials can be very expensive, and a checkweigher will ensure that you make the most of existing resources.
Example: Reducing the overfill of a 450-gram pack by one gram on a line producing 200 packs per minute, running 16 hours a day for 230 days of a year would result in you saving enough raw materials to make an additional 98133 products.
Starflex machines are recognised one of the lowest costs of ownership in the industry. We are also happy to produce bespoke solutions and will integrate with existing OEM equipment.
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- Cost Effective.
- High levels of Performance.
- Simple and Robust design.
- Quick release parts for easy and effective cleaning.
- Low Cost of Ownership.
- Accurate and Reliable.
- Stainless Steel Construction
- Stainless Steel High Precision Bearings
- FDA Approved Belts
Product Range:
Light Duty 0 to 2.5 KG
Medium Duty Upto 7.5 KG
Heavy Duty Upto 50 KG
Low Level Patented Design
Special Purpose Bespoke design